USA Bilateral project (2013-2014) approved!

Ljubljana - March 18th, 2013

Bilateral project, Bionanoteam and Northeastern University

The bilateral project proposal entitled: “Influence of nanoparticle characteristics on their interactions with lipid membranes” was approved. This project enables the ongoing research between the research groups of Prof. Deniz Erdogmus and Prof. Damjana Drobne, that was started in 2009 when Bionanoteam member Jernej Zupanc (then as PhD student) was a Fulbright Scholar at Northeastern University.

All together, 40 SLO-USA bilateral projects are supposed to be funded in the next two years.

Damjana Drobne

Prof. Dr. Damjana Drobne

Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana Večna pot 111 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia +386 1 320 3375 email | bibliography Bionanoteam is a research group at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. Founded in 2008 by Prof. Damjana Drobne, Bionanoteam currently consists of 3 experienced researchers, 2 PhD candidates, 1 technical assistant and a number of graduate and undergraduate students. Damjana is a Professor of Zoology and Professor of Toxicology from University of Ljubljana. With over twenty years of research experience, she is the founder and principal investigator of Bionanoteam.