new EU Horizon project Papillons
Bionanoteam continues to be successful in enquiring EU funds. Since 1.6. 2021 we are members of the Papillons consortium dealing with Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability. This is a consortium of 21 partners from 16 countries, who represent the cutting edge of research into agricultural plastic use and impacts in Europe. Read more about this fascinating project. and @PapillonsUe
Biotechnical Faculty
University of Ljubljana
Večna pot 111
1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 320 3375
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Bionanoteam is a research group at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Founded in 2008 by Prof. Damjana Drobne, Bionanoteam currently consists of 3 experienced researchers, 2 PhD candidates, 1 technical assistant and a number of graduate and undergraduate students. Damjana is a Professor of Zoology and Professor of Toxicology from University of Ljubljana. With over twenty years of research experience, she is the founder and principal investigator of Bionanoteam.